ICC Approves Gambling Sponsorships in Bilateral Games

ICC Approves Gambling Sponsorships in Bilateral Games

Last updated on February 13th, 2025 at 03:48 pm

The International Cricket Council approved gambling sponsorships during the Bilateral Games. However, it met criticisms from some cricket ambassadors. They said it could harm the integrity of the sport.

According to pay per head solution sources, the ICC increases the visibility of gambling brands during bilateral matches. In addition, teams can sign sponsorship deals on player equipment and attire. In November, the ICC rejected the measure. However, it changed its mind after several teams showed gambling sponsors.

The Chief Executives Committee of the ICC approved lifting some gambling restrictions. According to pay per head bookie reports, they will implement the changes in April. However, sponsorships are still banned in major ICC events.

Gambling Sponsorships

ICC Approves Gambling Sponsorships in Bilateral GamesIn his comments on the topic, CEC secretary Clive Hitchcock said that the prohibition would have stopped specific teams from displaying their sponsorship logos in their nation. However, the Committee felt that as teams are entering into deals with operators, the members should have the option to wear their betting logos in both international and domestic cricket.

Also, during Test and ODI matches, players can wear more logos on their uniforms. Additionally, in ICC competitions and bilateral cricket, colored clash uniforms are optional.

Significant progress in the cricket industry has been made with the approval of kit sponsorships in bilateral matches. However, this occurs at a time when gambling sponsorships in the professional sports industry are under close examination. In addition, advertisements and sponsorships for sports betting have come under fire in several developed economies, particularly in Europe, due to concerns that they promote problem gambling and send incorrect messages to minors.

The action caused widespread disbelief among the general public. Some cricket officials were upset, with one citing the expected association between betting and sports corruption. That official said that he knew gambling was permitted in many countries, but he still found the proposal hypocritical.

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